Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Autumn Equinox.


Mabon is the celebration of the autumn equinox which is marked by leaves turning from green to brilliant reds and yellows, the migration of animals, and the harvesting of crops. Although we do not go through this change in Singapore (actually, we do! If you observe carefully enough the leafs on some trees are turning red and yellow.) it is still a time worth celebrating as people hold rituals to thank the God/desses (refering to both genders of deity) for their bounty. It is all a part of appreciating what we have although different people might express it differently. So eat more fruits and veggies people!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Random Nonsense.

EAR STUDS AND HAIRCUTS ARE NOT A GOOD COMBINATION. Especially if you are extremely unlucky and get the shaver stuck with your stud TWO MOTHER CUSSING TIMES. The results? SWOLLEN BALLOON EARS! Oh and five blood filled tissues too.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Not every darkness lurks evil.
Not every light brings good.
Not every witch is evil.
Not every human is good.

Monday, September 13, 2010

To Be Silent...

Because only then can you not only listen to others, but yourself too.

Sometimes we ought to stop and observe our surroundings instead of just doing things blindly. Most of us have regrets after making impulsive decisions because we lack understanding when making the decision.

Our thoughts are actually in a different language before we put them into words. A language more complicated or maybe, it isn't even a language! To put it in a Christian way, we might be thinking in tongues. But the main point is, to be silent is to have deep thoughts, to listen, to know, to observe.

Each point of view is unique,
But never as clear as all of them put together.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Well, if you think: "school, homework and boys."
Then we are a world apart.

Sadly, I'm not that simple.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I've found my path.

It is alien to say this but this post is mainly for myself.
I have found the other half of myself without the interference of another person. I feel like a full person, not missing any puzzle piece, not out to search for love nor anything material to fill the hole in my heart. My soul and myself are one again. It feels like a miracle, my birthright, something to have and to share. I am finally ready to help others, love others and learn more from this world.

There are two sides of everything.
Happiness/ Sorrow
Love/ Hate
Young/ Old
Peace/ War
Life/ Death
And the only way to be happy is not to judge
But to accept them all as they are all a part of the universes energy,
Just like us.